The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) was established in 1989 to provides services for people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers.
Over the past thirty years, IDEAL has been committing to the mission of inspiring the potential of intellectually disabled individuals and building an inclusive society.

The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) has reached its 35th anniversary this year. Looking back at the time when we, a group of parents with their intellectually disabled children, rushed back and forth to seek help with limited social resources and hoped to find appropriate training for our children. Nevertheless, it was not easy to be achieved.
Fortunately, a group of dedicated professionals, social workers and charity organizations volunteered to provide training for these children and assisted the parents to register their support group as a non-profit charity organization - The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL). Subsequently, IDEAL applied for permanent venue as center which has been in operation to this day.
We started from scratch and have reached today step by step. IDEAL continues providing support and training to our members and their families, in order to help them integrating into society and preparing for challenges in the future.
Although IDEAL is lack of long-term funding from the government, we still uphold our mission through generous donations from charitable organizations and philanthropists from different walks of life.
In the future, we will uphold the motto of IDEAL: "When you take, you also give." We will do our best to educate our members and contribute to the society.
Sung Katherine
Aug 2024

IDEAL was formed by a group of people with intellectual disabilities, parents and volunteers in1989. It was officially registered as a non-profit charity organization and became member of the Social Service Council in 1991. IDEAL is a self-help organization governed by parents without regular funding from the government and our operation is entirely relied on donations. In the spirit of "give and take", IDEAL dedicate to serve people with intellectual disabilities with collaboration among parents.
- Assisting people with intellectual disabilities to develop necessary skills to live independently;
- Uniting people with intellectual disabilities and their families to build a network of mutual support;
- Promoting awareness and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities in society; and
- Advocating the rights and welfare for the people with intellectual disabilities.
- People with intellectual disabilities and their families can live with dignity in an inclusive society.

The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) was established in 1989 and has a history of 35 years.

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- 鍾志煒先生
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- 黃美蘭女士
- 劉惠穎女士
- 孔好蓮女士 (社福界)
- 鍾頴欣女士 (教育界)
- 蔡冠華先生 (社福界)