About Us
About Us
Chairman’s message
Mission and Vision
Organizational structure

The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) was established in 1989 to provides services for people with intellectual disabilities and their caregivers.

Over the past thirty years, IDEAL has been committing to the mission of inspiring the potential of  intellectually disabled individuals and building an inclusive society.

Chairman’s message
Chairman’s message

The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL) has reached its 35th anniversary this year. Looking back at the time when we, a group of parents with their intellectually disabled children, rushed back and forth to seek help with limited social resources and hoped to find appropriate training for our children. Nevertheless, it was not easy to be achieved. 

Fortunately, a group of dedicated professionals, social workers and charity organizations volunteered to provide training for these children and assisted the parents to register their support group as a non-profit charity organization - The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL). Subsequently, IDEAL applied for permanent venue as center which has been in operation to this day. 

We started from scratch and have reached today step by step. IDEAL continues providing support and training to our members and their families, in order to help them integrating into society and preparing for challenges in the future. 

Although IDEAL is lack of long-term funding from the government, we still uphold our mission through generous donations from charitable organizations and philanthropists from different walks of life.

In the future, we will uphold the motto of IDEAL: "When you take, you also give." We will do our best to educate our members and contribute to the society.

Sung Katherine

Aug 2024

Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision

IDEAL was formed by a group of people with intellectual disabilities, parents and volunteers in1989. It was officially registered as a non-profit charity organization and became member of the Social Service Council in 1991. IDEAL is a self-help organization governed by parents without regular funding from the government and our operation is entirely relied on donations. In the spirit of "give and take", IDEAL dedicate to serve people with intellectual disabilities with collaboration among parents.


  • Assisting people with intellectual disabilities to develop necessary skills to live independently;
  • Uniting people with intellectual disabilities and their families to build a network of mutual support; 
  • Promoting awareness and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities in society; and 
  • Advocating the rights and welfare for the people with intellectual disabilities.


  •  People with intellectual disabilities and their families can live with dignity in an inclusive society.


The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL)  was established in 1989 and has a history of 35 years.

The 35th anniversary of IDEAL.
Funded by the Social Welfare Department’s ‘Community Support Program for Persons with Disabilities and Their Families’ again, the three-year ‘We Care • We Share - Growing Together with Love and Care’ project will run from 2024 to 2026.”
Funded by Zonta Club of Hong Kong East, the ‘Future with Hopes’ project provides courses for individuals with intellectual disabilities and their Carers to cultivate interests and discover the creative talents of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
Collaborated with the Rotary Club Of Hong Kong City North to hold a ‘Gala Dinner’ at the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong.”
IDEAL organized an exhibition of Art Garden of IDEAL to demonstrate the artistic talents of people with intellectual disabilities to the public.
Woodlands Indian Vegetarian Restaurant held a ‘Annual Charity Lunch and Dinner’, donating all proceeds from the day to IDEAL association
Dance troupe of IDEAL won the runner-up in the "Dream Stage Competition”. 2023
Composed, written, and arranged by Grace Yau, Raymond, and Maggie, IDEAL’s anthem was born.
‘We Care • We Share ’ project held the ‘Thinking from Multiple Perspectives: The Self-Decision’ seminar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong with Phyllis King Shui WONG Ph.D., R.S.W ”
Funded by the Lions Club of Mid-Levels Hong Kong, the ‘IDEAL Women's Empowerment Project’ offers a series of courses to broaden caregivers’ horizons, discover their potential and skills, and organize markets.
Well Man Masks donated to the ‘IDEAL Charity Mask Sale 2022’, with Yuen Wai Ho Benjamin became star caring ambassador.
Funded by the Social Welfare Department’s ‘Arts Development Fund for Persons with Disabilities’, the two-year ‘Art Garden of IDEAL’ project provides training courses for people with intellectual disabilities to discover their artistic potential and skills
“IDEAL collaborated with the Rotary Club Of Hong Kong City North to organize a ‘Cookie Charity Sale’, with the proceeds used for the development of IDEAL association.”
Sponsored by the Zonta Club of Hong Kong East, the “你想居庭” program provided parents with a series of stress relief and family care training sessions.
Due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), activities were moved online, with phone calls to check on family members until in-person activities resumed in April 2023.
During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), IDEAL received donations of masks and anti-pandemic supplies from Well Man Mask, Eternal Life Music Charity Foundation Ltd etc.
2015-2024 ︳Funded by the Social Welfare Department’s ‘Community-based Support Projects for Persons with Disabilities and Their Families’, for implementation the ‘We Care • We Share’ project.” Published " We Care • We Share — A Collection of Sharing by 15 Participants" in 2017.
2017 ︳IDEAL Collaborates with Professor Hui Nana Anna organized a lecture on "Building Positive Emotions and Good Behaviors for Parents and Children" and "5+5 Tips for Teaching Children with Different Learning Needs" at City University of Hong Kong.
2018 ︳JP & Dr. Aron Harilela, the Chairman & CEO of Harilela Hotels Limited, served as the sponsor of IDEAL.
2018 ︳Funded by the ‘Zonta Club of Hong Kong East’, the ‘Carer Support Project’ trained Carers to establish ‘Care Groups’ and held a 30th Anniversary Seminar at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019, with the theme ‘Carer Support’.”
2018 ︳Members of IDEAL won the championship in dance competition of the " Dream Stage 2018".
2010-2013 ︳Ms. Mok Ho Man yee Eleanor, contacted former HSBC CEO Mr. Michael Geoghegan and Ms. Mimi Tang to donate funds for staff salary subsidies.”
2010-2024 ︳Funded by Social Welfare Department’s ”Financial Support Scheme for Self-help Organisations of Persons with Disabilities/Chronic Illnesses.”
2010 ︳Ms. Chan Chun yin contacted Zonta Club of Hong Kong East sponsored IDEAL’s renovation project. It was completed in November 2010 and the center reopened.
2011 ︳Through “Mother’s Day walkathons” and funding from the Hebe Haven Yacht Club, IDEAL established the “Dental Care Subsidy Fund” and the “Smart Health Care” for IDEAL’s members.”
2011-2013 ︳Funded by Social Welfare Department to implement a two-year "Carer Support” Program.
2012 ︳Ms. Mok Ho Man yee Eleanor recommended IDEAL association to partner with the Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong. To celebrate our 25th anniversary, hosted the ‘Spring Blossom’ charity dinner in 2014 to raise funds for IDEAL association at the Hotel.
2013 ︳Holiday Inn Golden Mile Hong Kong also provided volunteer services and job training for members of IDEAL. Selected trainees from IDEAL received training and offered jobs in the hotel after completed training.
2014 ︳Maxim’s Group continued supporting mooncake charity fund-raising of IDEAL. Ms. Xie Ning also began supporting our association’s mooncake charity sales in 2013, and both fundraising projects continues up to now.”
2007 - 2013 ︳Sponsored by Maxim’s Group, IDEAL organized a charity sale.
2008 - 2009 ︳Funded by “Ladies' Circle” and "Love in Christmas Campaign" to launch and sustain the “IDEAL Cyber Café” project.”
2009 ︳Introduced by Ms. Mok Ho Man yee Eleanor, IDEAL became a beneficiary of the Hebe Haven Yacht Club 24-hour Charity Dinghy Race and has continues up to now.”
2001 ︳IDEAL collaborated with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Division of Occupational Therapy in Department of Rehabilitation Science) to publish informative brochure of relaxation group.
2001 ︳Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong provided computer room and computer courses for people with intellectual disabilities. In 2004, received funding from the Queen Elizabeth Foundation for the intellectually disabled for implementation of "Computer Course for the intellectually disabled Project".
2001 ︳IDEAL received the first grant from Social Welfare Department’s subsidy scheme of Self-Help Organizations of Persons with Disabilities.
2003 ︳IDEAL participated in the Donor Charter Scheme of Hong Kong Council of Social Service to increase the transparency of the association.
1995 ︳Consultation and community education were conducted in Nam Cheong Estate before the opening of IDEAL.
1996 ︳IDEAL received a donation from the Chinese Permanent Cemeteries Fund and Mr. Shih Wing Ching for the expenditure of construction.
1998 ︳The construction of venue was completed and IDEAL officially relocated in Nam Cheong Estate.
1999 ︳Opening ceremony of IDEAL’s new venue.
1989 ︳Dr. AU Mei Lan, Professor Li Tsang Hui ping and and her students also participated in meetings of the support group and organized seminars for parents in order to provide systematic training for children with special educational needs.
1990 ︳Parents in the support group organized itself into a registered society, named The Intellectually Disabled Education and Advocacy League (IDEAL). Members of IDEAL elected their first executive committee and accepted the first donation from Hong Kong Round Table Club as development funds.
1991 ︳IDEAL was registered as a Non-profit Organization. Mr. Andy Blank, the first table member of Hong Kong Round Table Club, designed the emblem for IDEAL.
1994 ︳With approval from the Housing Department, a venue on the ground floor of Cheung Yin House, Nam Cheong Estate, Sham Shui Po was leased to IDEAL.
Organizational structure
Committee meeting
Executive committee
Advisory committee
Staff meeting

  • 夏雅朗博士
  • 車淑梅女士
  • 袁偉豪先生
  • 張寶兒女士
  • 區美蘭博士
  • 李曾慧平教授
  • 莫何敏儀女士
  • 方劉小梅女士
  • 梁兆倫先生
  • 陳曾麗娜女士
  • 陳萱霖女士
  • 謝國賢律師
  • 王嘉恩博士 MH
  • 楊德華先生 MH, JP
  • 李麗雲博士
  • 范舒屏醫生
  • 霍思豪先生
  • 莊陳有先生
  • 戴樂群醫生 JP
  • 陳春燕女士
  • 鍾清嫻女士
  • 陳紹沅先生
  • 韓世灝博士
  • 楊禹行醫生
  • 羅俊昶先生
  • 植寶英女士    

  • 鍾志煒先生
  • 楊袁志群博士
  • 李宋小萍女士
  • 高唐維珠女士
  • 黃卓雄先生
  • 蕭學祥先生
  • 趙張麗文女士

  • 楊清蓮女士
  • 黃美蘭女士
  • 劉惠穎女士
  • 孔好蓮女士 (社福界)
  • 鍾頴欣女士 (教育界)
  • 蔡冠華先生 (社福界)